Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A father who failed

i received this from a dear friend of mine. These are his personal views and I concur with him.

A father who failed -- Pritish Nandy( Was the editor of The illustrated weekly and a very prominent journalist)Parenthood is fascinating. You live through excitement, joy, guilt, worry, hope, concern in quick succession and before you know it your children have grown up into young a..... BLA! BLA!! BLA!!!..... and more Bullshit!!!


Former Member of Parliament, and Last Editor of Illustrated Weekly...
Saying "Everything I taught my children has, in effect, handicapped them. It has made them inadequate to face the world they are in. Unfortunately I knew no better. But that does not absolve me from my sense of guilt." ... is confusing because he at no stage admits that Armed Forces yet maintains a very high "human dignity and value system"
If he had produced healthy and intelligent children, with the values he claims to have given his children... surely Armed Forces SSB is ready to welcome such "products" into Services.
With the OLQ his children would demonstrate, surely they would have led a meaningful dignified life.
He then would have been a proud Father, today he is NOT.
Surely he is 'responsible' for his own state...
His mental state is still SAD!!!
Only because defending the country's Dignity, Borders, Democracy, Freedom...etc... is something for Pritish Nandy, what other's KIDs should do, NOT HIS!!!
I declare him "An Image hungry, FRAUD"

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